
Unexpectedly Perfect


Unexpectedly Perfect

ARROGANT BOSS X CLUMSY SECRETARY " Get ready Mr. Bagghad billa to face hell after giving me these much of load in office intentionally " Adhira smriked while mixing the coffee while laughing evilly. " Do you think me as dumb person Miss. Arora ? " Ivaan asked her coldly dropping the cup of coffee on the floor making it break into pieces. " What is there to think in , you are dumb huhh ." Adhira mumbled while rolling her eyes making him scrunch his eyebrows. " I think you need to overtime today Miss. Arora , as your behaviour seems very unpleasent to me . " He told her with smrik playing on his lips and she looked at him with her wide eyes making his smrik grew wider. She gritted her teeth looking at him and stoping her feet on the marble floor she went towards the door. Before she could open the door she was pulled harshly by her arm by him making her stumble on her feets as she faced him. Both of their face was so close to eachother making her gulp hard. " Don't you ever , I mean don't you ever again show me these kind of attitude of your's I won't tolret it . You are just an employee , so you better know your place and I am sure I don't need to remind you where you belong ." Hearing him her body went numb as tears gathered around her eyes but she held her tears from falling. A satisfied look immediately took over his face seeing her as he left her harshly making her hiss in pain a little and went towards his seat. Bowing a little at him she immediately ran outside his cabin wiping off her tears. " No Adhira don't waste your precious tears on that jerk , huhh bagghad billa kahi ka ." She mumbled encouraging herself and went inside her cabin.


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